Hey L&D, what are we? L&D doesn’t need a budget, it needs…

tumbleweedFrom talking to many L&D professionals I hear so many stories of teams, budgets and classroom time being cut…..it’s sad but, hey L&D, what are we? Have you ever considered why L&D is under so much pressure to deliver with fewer resources? Now you can almost see the tumbleweed blowing through a once thriving department. Seriously, why are we taking this lying down?

I truly believe that we don’t need a budget … What we really need is a bit of gumption and the ability to put together a business case. Easy for you to say Krys….I can hear some of you say.

Your L&D job description will most likely contain words about responsibity for the identification and design, development and delivery of business-focused courses for your organisation. Regardless of whether you report into H&R, L&D, a functional department or even the MD; L&D must understand the business’ goals and be able to integrate them into a learning programme that supports their implementation. You’d also expect that the rest of the organisation would support you in that common goal. Makes sense doesn’t it?

No doubt you already have a passion for L&D, and you will have the skills required, but for you to succeed and to help the business to succeed you need the support of the business. You are most likely to gain support from the business if you have identified (or are addressing) a real need and understand the impact on the organisation. If you can do that,  then L&D should appear to be very good value for money! (You know this!) So, instead of arguing about your L&D budget, maybe you should be discussing the value of the impact of your L&D and how to make it even better. L&D, in that light, is not a cost but an agent for change.



2 thoughts on “Hey L&D, what are we? L&D doesn’t need a budget, it needs…

  1. basdenleco says:

    Unfortunately in many programs designed to assist a person to become proficient in learning and development, training and assessment the subject of return on investment, budget justification et al is not normally treated in depth at the novice stages. Rather left to the upper end of the credential chain or shunted to the province of operations and management.
    The fact is that at all levels there should be a high priority placed on the critical nature of understanding of how ROI affects the viability of the L and D (T and A) unit.

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